Monday, February 1, 2010

Tour of Ronda

Today is a big day for me. After approximately 72 hours, I am finally changing my clothes for the first time! Now, you might be thinking, geez Kelly, that´s absolutely disgusting. Well, you´re right. But I would like to argue that it´s not my fault. You see, when I got on a plane headed to Barcelona, my suitcases decided to forgo the spanish lisp and instead went to Amsterdam. But all is well now. I just finished taking a tour of Ronda with my new classmates and it is gorgeous! The main bridge you see when you google image the city is "moderno" but was built hundreds of years ago. The tour guide said that while it´s not proven, there are some scholars who believe that that bridge and Ronda are featured in, For Whom the Bell Tolls. After seeing the city, I´d say it´s worth mentioning in a book. The streets are all lined with orange trees and there is a park at the end of my block that has palm trees and beautiful views of the cliffs. One of the host mothers said that when it gets warmer students from the music conservatory come out and play free concerts in the park. The city also has a bull ring. If I heard right, the tour guide said that it is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, bull ring in Spain. As far as my classmates go, so far so good. All of them seem to be very nice and I really like the ones from KU. In fact, in about 30 minutes we´re all meeting at the town´s plaza to hang out until dinner time (10 p.m). Apparently the plaza is quite the spot for students. After dinner they go out until 3 or 5 a.m. (I´m not so sure how long I´ll keep up with that routine). My host mother Carmen is very nice. I wasn´t sure how we would get along in the beginning but I think we´re starting to figure each other out. Tomorrow I start school for real. Fingers crossed! I miss you all very much.


  1. In case you want to see the "puentenuevo" (new bridge), here's a link:


  2. Naturally, you'll post pix . . .
